Preparation ✅

  1. Go through the README in your GitHub repository.
  2. Complete your task. Not enough time? Submit what you managed to do and describe the rest in a markdown file.
  3. Your task might have an automated test setup that runs every time you push to a remote branch (if so, it'll be mentioned in the README). The hiring team will use the test results to rank their candidates before they do a code review. If there is the Before submitting your solution section in your README, then it's important to complete the necessary steps listed there. Please use this Troubleshooting guide or create a GitHub issue on your repo, in the case you get stuck with this section.
  4. Create a Pull Request from the implementationbranch.

Code review 👀

During this stage, you might get questions from the hiring team on your Pull Request, in which case you'll need to respond to their comments.

<aside> 💡 You'll receive an email from GitHub every time you get a question on your PR.


Need help? 🤯

Check out Troubleshooting. If the guide didn't help, create a new GitHub issue on your repository with the description of your problem.

How was your experience? Give us a shout on Twitter / LinkedIn.