Intro 👋

Hi there! Here's the necessary info to help you complete your DevSkills interview.

Interview process 👩‍🏫

Proceed as follows:

  1. Carefully read the README located in your assignment repository to understand what you should focus on.
  2. Complete your task.
  3. Complete the steps listed under Before submitting your solution in your README. This will configure the automated test setup that runs every time you push to a remote branch. The hiring team will use the test results to rank their candidates. You'll find the instructions for ****running those tests locally too. Please use this Troubleshooting guide or create a GitHub issue on your repo, in the case you get stuck with this section.
  4. Create a Pull Request from a new branch called implementation.

Got stuck? 🤯

Check out Troubleshooting.

If the guide didn't help

Create a GitHub issue on your assignment repository describing your problem.

Best of luck completing your assignment! You've got this! 💯

How was your experience? Give us a shout on Twitter / LinkedIn.